It gives me immense pleasure to be here in Chongwe district today to grace this very important occasion. Today we are witnessing the official launch of the 2023 Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) Mass campaign.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Malaria has continued to be among the top 10 diseases responsible for hospital visitations and admissions in our health facilities. In the recent past, we have witnessed increased investment in the implementation of key malaria interventions. Unfortunately, the number of malaria cases remains high and a cause for great concern.
Zambia recorded over 8.4 million cases of malaria in 2022 compared to 7.4 million in 2021 which represents an increase of 14% in malaria cases across the country. Malaria deaths reduced by 9.1% from 1,498 in 2021 to 1,361 in 2022. To put this into context, every day on average, we lose about four (4) people due to malaria. Additionally, every day on average, we have about 23, 093 cases of malaria. This calls for urgent investment, innovation, and action from everybody.
The Government of the Republic of Zambia under the leadership of His Excellency, the President Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, is committed to the provision of quality health services and implementation of evidenced-based malaria interventions as close to the family as possible.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The Ministry of Health has a National Malaria Elimination Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026 which emphasizes our vision of a “Malaria-free Zambia”. The goal of this strategy is to lower the burden in high-transmission settings; eliminate local
malaria infection; maintain a malaria-free status and prevent the re-introduction and importation of malaria in areas declared malaria-free.
This strategic plan further outlines the need to achieve universal coverage with at least one of the vector control interventions which include:
- Distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Mosquito Nets (LLINs);
- Indoor Residue Spraying (IRS);
- Larval Source Management (LSM) in eligible settings
Health promotion to increase uptake and correct use of the various malaria interventions.
- Case management focusing on prompt testing and treatment of malaria cases.
- Surveillance to track progress towards our targets and
- Research to guide program
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Ministry of Health through the National Malaria Elimination Centre (NMEC) supported by partners will be distributing over 11.5 million Long – Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets countrywide protecting over 19 million people against malaria. We also intend to spray a total number of 895, 266 eligible and targeted structures, protecting over 3,863,229 million people.
Allow me to urge all households to have themselves registered and receive the nets. Additionally, when we receive these nets let us use them correctly and consistently.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I will be failing in my duties if do not mention the unique role of our community members play in malaria elimination. It is important that you take the following individual actions to stop the transmission of malaria at the local level:
- Pregnant women should take malaria preventive medicine given during Antenatal Care (ANC) to protect themselves and their unborn babies from malaria.
- Everyone should sleep under a treated mosquito net every night, every season, all year round.
- During the spraying campaign, we should allow the trained personnel to spray our houses. The chemical applied on the walls kills mosquitoes and reduces the transmission of malaria.
- Seek malaria testing and treatment services from the nearest health facility. Trained community health workers within your locality are available to link you to treatment services.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Allow me to thank all our partners for their continued support. I wish to sincerely thank the
- Against Malaria Foundation – UK
- Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
- United States President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and in-country PMI-supported projects
- PATH/ MACEPA project
- World Health Organization and other UN Agencies
- SADC Elimination 8 Secretariat
- Isdell-Flowers Cross Border Malaria Initiative
- End Malaria Council
- Faith Leaders Advocacy for Malaria Elimination (FLAME)
- Service organizations such as the Rotary Club, World Vision, Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia Project
- Africa Global Logistics
- Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ), and the private sectorOther key interventions include:
I also wish to thank the traditional leaders for your strategic role and commitment towards the malaria elimination agenda, continued leadership, and guidance.
Remember malaria ends with me, malaria ends with you, together, we can end malaria.
It is now my honour and privilege to declare the 2023 mass LLIN campaign officially launched.
May God Bless You!