• Ndeke House, Haile Selassie Avenue
  • info@moh.gov.zm
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM –5:00 PM
  • Directorate of Human Resources Management;
  • Directorate of Administration;
  • Directorate of Policy and Planning;
  • Directorate of Human Resource Planning and Development;
  • Directorate of Physical Infrastructure and Medical Technologies;
  • Legal Unit;
  • Directorate of Finance;
  • Internal Audit Unit;
  • Directorate  of Information and Technologies; and
  • Procurement and Supplies Unit.

The Office  is responsible for the following functional areas:
• Clinical Care & Diagnostic Services;
• Public Health;
• Health Promotion, Environment and Social Determinants;
• Nursing Services;
• National Malaria Elimination Centre.

The departments and units under the Office of the Permanent Secretary – Technical Services:

• Department of Clinical Care & Diagnostic Services;
• Department of Public Health;
• Department of Health Promotion, Environment and Social Determinants;
• Department of Nursing Services;
• National Malaria Elimination Centre;
• Department of Nuclear Medicine and Research;
• Provincial Health Offices; and
• District Health Offices.

The Department of Clinical Care and Diagnostic Services is responsible for the provision of clinical and diagnostic services for improved health outcomes. The Department is also responsible for providing standards and guidelines for health service delivery in all health facilities country-wide.

The Department performs the following specific functions: –

• Formulate and review policies and legislation on the provision of health care services;
• Development of guidelines and standards for clinical care, rehabilitative services and the referral systems;
• Coordination of referral services for specialized treatment in private facilities locally and abroad;
• Provide technical support for the management of hospitals and other facilities;
• Undertake performance assessment and quality assurance/improvement of the health facilities;
• Provision of pharmaceutical services;
• Development of specifications for medical equipment;
• Provision of pathology and laboratory services;
• Provision of Medical Imaging Services;
• Provision of mobile and emergency health services;
• Collaborate with the School of Medicine and other tertiary institutions on the training of medical staff; and
• Coordinating the conduct of clinical care related research.

The Department is responsible for developing and implementing programs and projects aimed at preventing, controlling and eliminating diseases in order to promote health and prolong life.

The Department performs the following specific functions:

• Formulate and review Public Health, Port Health, Food and Drugs policies and legislation;
• Development and enforcement of guidelines and standards for public health
• Provide technical support to stakeholders in the provision of public health services;
• Undertake performance assessment and quality assurance/improvement for public health;
• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of city and other public health programmes;
• Conduct public health research and surveys to determine the health status of communities and populations; and
• Undertake disease surveillance and epidemiological patterns in order to assess prevalence and incidence of diseases.

The Department is responsible for health promotion and prevention and control of diseases for improved health outcomes. The Department also coordinates health promotion and prevention and control of diseases at provincial and district levels.

The Department performs the following specific functions:

• Develop and implement strategies for positive behavioral change of individuals and communities in order to transform social structures for health, and socio-economic wellbeing;
• Develop and implement strategies for engaging policy makers on the adoption of policies and interventions for preventing and reducing morbidity and mortality;
• Collaborate with various stakeholders on the implementation of health promotion interventions for improved health outcomes;
• Collaborate with stakeholders on the assessment and management of environmental and social hazards to health;
• Facilitate and coordinate the development and implementation of policies and guidelines that promote human health in priority sectors;
• Provide public relations services; and
• Production and Dissemination of IEC materials for health promotion.
• Develop, review and implement plans and programmes on non –communicable diseases;
• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of NCDs programmes;
• Coordinate the conduct of research on NCDs;
• Design and disseminate guidelines for managing NCDs;
• Facilitate the accreditation of diagnostic Centre; and
• Facilitate the Development and implementation of workplace wellness policies.

The Department of Nursing Services is responsible for providing policy direction and guidelines for nursing and midwifery services and education. The Department is also responsible for the provision of nursing and midwifery education and services in order to improve and maintain the standards and quality of nursing and midwifery care. Further, the department enhances leadership and supervision skills of nurse leaders through mentor-ship, capacity building and monitoring of adherence to set standards.

The department performs the following specific functions:

• Formulate and review policies on the provision of nursing and midwifery services and education;
• Develop nursing and midwifery protocols and guidelines for utilization in Nursing and midwifery practice and education;
• Collaborate with General Nursing Council of Zambia (GNC) in the development nursing and midwifery standards of practice and education;
• Coordinate the provision of nursing and midwifery services;
• Collaborate with department for human resources, GNC and other tertiary institutions on the education and training of nurses and midwives;
• Conduct performance assessment of nursing and midwifery services in health facilities and training institutions;
• Monitor the implementation of the relevant nursing policies and standards;
• Provide technical support to nurses and midwives to enhance the management of nursing and midwifery services;
• Provide mentorship to nursing and midwifery leaders in health facilities and nurse and midwifery colleges and;
• Coordination of research in nursing and midwifery standards of care, practice and education.

It is recommended that the National Malaria Control Centre (NMCC) be renamed as National Malaria Elimination Centre (NMEC) in line with the Ministry’s strategic goal. The Centre is responsible for development and implementation of preventive and curative National Malaria programmes. It also serves as a National referral centre for malaria diagnosis.

The Centre perform the following specific functions:

•    Develop, review and implement plans and programmes for malaria case management, vector control and surveillance;
•    Develop and implement information, education and communication (IEC) programmes for malaria control and prevention;
•    Develop and adopt standard guidelines and protocols for malaria control, prevention and treatment;
•    Capacity building of health care practitioners in malaria case management;
•    Coordinating malaria operational research activities with emphasis on Drug Policy related issues;
•    Collaborating with various stakeholders on the control, prevention and treatment of malaria; and
•    Coordinate the conduct of research on malaria and related subject matters.

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